imarku Knife Guides

How to Buy a Butcher’s Knife

How to Buy a Butcher’s Knife - IMARKU

Further improving your cooking experience and sessions don't require large investments like stoves or a whole new kitchen. Sometimes, major improvements lie in the tools that you are using. This most especially applies to the kinds of knives in your lineup.

Speaking of knives, one of the most crucial yet underrated points to a butcher knife. If you're a cook who often works with meat carcasses, then you're losing out on a lot if you're sticking to a simple one from Amazon. Like any other, you need to pay attention to the kind of butcher knife at hand.

To help you with this topic, we have provided a full buying guide for butcher knives in the following sections.


What to Consider in a Store Selling Butcher Knives



Before we go on to the butcher knife itself, you should first ensure that you're making transactions with a good store. This is an essential thing that you should pay attention to because factors like the availability of knives, costs, and likes will depend on this.

Here are some factors that you need to consider in the store you're looking into:


Good Reputation

First up, you should ensure that the store has a good reputation. This means that its reviews have little to no bad experiences from its previous buyers. Looking into this factor will prevent you from buying in fraudulent sites.

To know if a store has a good image or not, you can look for reviews online. These may be from the site itself, social media platforms, or online blogs. No matter where you should ensure that the reviews that you're reading are authentic and not bot-generated. Differentiating the two will be easy since the latter often contains repetitive statements.




It's best to buy from a store that majors in knives or kitchen tools in generals.

In this way, you can guarantee that it went through the review of field experts. This is in contrast to usual all-around retail stores because, more often than not, they don't consider the kind and quality of the brand they're selling.

Usually, you can only see niche-based stores online. It's easy to deduce just by looking at the site's layout and offers.

This doesn't mean that you should stop shopping at department stores, though. If you happen to see a certain brand that catches your eye, then it's up to you if you want to buy it.


Shipping and Delivery Terms

Shipping and delivery play a big part in your total fees and the product's arrival time. If you're going to buy from a brand abroad, expect more expensive shipping fees and a longer delivery time. Thus, it's best to first look through stores in your country before heading on to international ones.

Apart from the said factors, you should also look for a store that offers guarantees and warranties. This will serve as your assurance of a brand's product qualities.

Of course, everything else will depend on your preferences. You need to remember the only thing is to stay away from sketchy sites to avoid being scammed or just not getting what you paid for.


What to Consider Before Buying a Butcher's Knife



Now, let's talk about the factors that you need to look at when looking at a butcher knife. See the following:



A butcher knife's purpose will highly depend on its size. Usually, these will range from 6 inches to as big as 14 inches.

Small-sized knives, specifically those at 6 to 8 inches, will be best for chopped meat chunks. These can be pork, chicken, and other cutlet meats. Those bigger than these, on the flip side, will fit venisons or whole pieces of meats.



Not every butcher knife comes with a sturdy blade. Some, on the other hand, although sturdy, don't come with a long-lasting base material. Hence, some things that you need to look for include stainless steel and extremely sharp quality.

On another note, it's also best if you take the blade's shape into account. Depending on the usual meat you're working with, you may need a more bent blade. Some also offer a scalpel-based design, which allows better slicing experiences.



Lastly, you should consider the butcher knife's handle's material, shape, and overall quality. Some blade-related factors, like its strength and durability, as well as how easy cutting will come off, will depend on the handle you're working with.

For recommendations, we find wooden handles a good choice for a lot of butchers. It's easy to grip, and there is little to no chance of it slipping. If you can, you should also find one with an ergonomic design.

To put it simply, you need to cop a high-quality, durable, and strong butcher knife to ensure that you can use it, no matter your needs.


The Best Butcher's Knife



If you don't know where and what kind of butcher knife to avail of, then we recommend looking into Imarku.

Imarku is a store specializing in kitchen tools so that you can expect vast expertise in the cooking field. We're also aware of the needs of chefs and gourmets like you. As for butcher knives, we offer Cimitar, Serbian, and Hammered.

Our best offer, however, lies in our 10-inch Cimitar Butcher Knife. For an affordable price, you will get:

  • Scalpel-Like Design for Effortless Cutting
  • German Super Steel Material with 52+ Rockwell in Hardness
  • High-Grade Handle Made of Wood
  • Ergonomic Handle

Rest assured that Imarku's products will fit any kind of meat. A lot of 5-star reviews can also vouch for our claims.



Buying a butcher knife isn't really that hard as long as you look into the right factors and brands.

Instead of simply following what's trending, you should take the time to look for the best model possible for your budget. Doing so will allow you to make the most out of your money. Not only that, but you'll also be able to have more time to know whether a specific butcher knife will suit your needs or not.

Nevertheless, the bottom line is to consider your needs and wants at the same time. Note that you may also have to exert extra effort and time to seek out the best option.


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