Once you join our loyalty program, you are deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by the rules. IMARKU may, in its sole discretion, alter, limit, or modify the IMARKU VIP rules, regulations, rewards, eligibility for membership, or any other feature of the IMARKU VIP and/or may terminate the IMARKU VIP at any time in its sole discretion, by giving reasonable notice on the website and/or by email. You can refer to the latest version of this rule on this page. If you continue to use IMARKU membership rights after the terms of these rules are changed, you will be deemed to have accepted the revised rules. If you do not accept the revised rules, you should voluntarily stop enjoying the membership rewards agreed in the rules. Please check the website regularly for updates.
You may cancel your membership at any time through your Account on the website or please contact IMARKU Customer Service. It is your responsibility to check or review these Terms from time to time to keep informed of any changes.
Please note that terminating your membership means that you will only be able to shop at IMARKU.NET using the guest check-out and any outstanding Points and outstanding Rewards which remain in such account will be forfeited.
IMARKU may modify the terms of the program including the Rewards and the Tiers, or to suspend or terminate the program if this program is not capable of running as planned for any reason (including in the event of fraud or attempted fraud), which may result in loss of purchase and the cancellation of all rewards and privileges associated with the Program. Any abuse of the program, failure to comply with any provision of the program, any misrepresentation or any action that damages IMARKU'S interests, or fraud or attempted fraud may result in the member being revoked from membership and will affect the member's eligibility for further participation in the program.
In the event of Terms and Rewards' modification, suspension or termination, IMARKU will notify via mail, email, and other channels about marketing with your permission, as well as show all changes on this page. Unsubscribing will cause you to not receive our message in time and you will not receive any compensation from IMARKU in the event of modification or suspension of the Program. Please note that IMARKU may continue to send you emails like changes or information about your account and IMARKU VIP membership.