Chef Blog

How to Choose a Ripe Avocado

The first thing that you should know is that fresh avocados don’t ripen on trees. They become soft or ripe after they have been harvested. In recent years, avocados have been increasingly popular. And, you are likely going to find a variety of avocado recipes at your local café. However, it is always tricky...

How To Cut A Pomegranate

Who wouldn't love to eat a tasty pomegranate with a vibrant red color like a ruby? We all love the sweet or tart flavor of it! But to savor this delicious fruit, we need to cut it first, right? And that's the challenge when you are craving one, the cutting part. You are not...

How to Cook Brown Rice Like a Pro

Rice is one of the most consumed cereals in the world. Even according to studies, it is the main food of at least half of the world's population. Unlike white rice, brown rice has a particular brown color and also brings numerous health benefits to those who eat it. Like all cereals, rice is...

What Is Papaya And How To Cut

In all its glory, Papaya makes any dessert or dish good or delicious when it is added to whatever type of dish; it brings forth another level of feel, texture, deliciousness, and flavor that is sure to tickle the palette of individuals consuming it. Papaya can also serve as a more aesthetic and decorative...

How to Ripen an Avocado Fast

Avocados are reckoned indispensable for many recipes and cuisines. Mexican food, for example, would not be the same without guacamole. In addition, these fruits serve as a great butter replacement (after all, they're not called "butter pears" for nothing!)   However, avocados can become a hurdle for impatient people, considering how long they take...

How to Cook Ground Beef The Best Way

When you walk into a supermarket, it may be tempting to simply pick up the first tray of ground beef you see, run it by the register or the self-checkout lane, and be on your way back home. After all, they can't be that different, right? Absolutely not! As with everything, there are always...

How to Cut Bok Choy

Getting to Know Bok Choy Bok choy may have a wide range of flavor, size, and color. Those with larger leaves are best for salads and soups, while those with smaller heads are best for stir-fry meals. When you're out shopping, look for bok choy with bright green leaves and crisp stems that are...